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Routledge Studies in Us Foreign Policy Anti-Americanism and American Exceptionalism: Prejudice and Pride about the USA (Paperback)

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Product Name
Routledge Studies in Us Foreign Policy Anti-Americanism and American Exceptionalism: Prejudice and Pride about the USA (Paperback)
Product Description

This book argues against the tendency to see America as the worst or best nation and instead presents a case for seeing anti-Americanism as a counterproductive prejudice. There are many reasons to criticise American policies politics and even society but a crucial distinction must be drawn between criticism and prejudice. Charting the development and adaptation of this anti-American tradition O Connor maintains that it is important to contextualise it within the particularities of the American experience and the global reach of the United States influence and power. He argues for a move away from stereotypes and caricatures towards more specific and profitable discussions about American actions and policies. Offering precise and useful ways of understanding anti-Americanism and American exceptionalism that place the terms in their relevant political contexts this volume is a  useful and engaging resource for those researching or studying American politics and ideology foreign policy American culture and international relations.

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March 11, 2025

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