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Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition (Paperback) by Professor Staffan I Lindberg

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Product Name
Democratization by Elections: A New Mode of Transition (Paperback) by Professor Staffan I Lindberg
Product Description

9780801893193. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 432. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 432 p. Contains: Halftones black & white Line drawings black & white Tables black & white Figures. Contested multiparty elections are conventionally viewed as either an indicator of the start of democracy or a measure of its quality. In practice the role that elections play in the transition from authoritarian rule is much more significant. Using as a starting point Guillermo O Donnell and Phillipe C. Schmitter s 1986 classic Transitions from Authoritarian Rule and Robert Dahl s original formulation of democratization as the outcome of increasing the costs of repression while decreasing the costs of toleration this volume subjects to critical empirical tests the thesis that repeated elections positively affect democratic rights and processes. The first section uses global and quantitative regional studies based on new and unique data sets to present and rigorously evaluate the debate on the democratizing power of elections. The second section looks closely at specific electoral mechanisms and types of elections in Africa post-Communist Europe and Eurasia Latin America the Middle East and North Africa to uncover those that support the long-term institutionalization of a democratic transition. The concluding section develops and formalizes a theory of democratization by elections. Each chapter includes in-depth discussions of policy implications and a wealth of statistical information. Featuring contributions by leading scholars of democracy original research and worldwide and country-specific data on elections and democracy this collaborative exploration of the effect of elections on democratic transitions represents the cutting edge of comparative democratization studies. Contributors: Jason Brownlee Valerie J. Bunce Larry Diamond Axel Hadenius Jonathan Hartlyn Marc M. Howard Staffan I. Lindberg Jennifer L. McCoy Bryon Moraski Pippa Norris Ellen Lust-Okar Lise Rakner Philip G. Roessler Andreas Schedler Jan Teorell Nicolas van de Walle Sharon L. Wolchik

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March 4, 2025

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