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Discrete Mathematics and Its Application Algebraic Curves in Cryptography (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Discrete Mathematics and Its Application Algebraic Curves in Cryptography (Hardcover)
Product Description

The reach of algebraic curves in cryptography goes far beyond elliptic curve or public key cryptography yet these other application areas have not been systematically covered in the literature. Addressing this gap Algebraic Curves in Cryptography explores the rich uses of algebraic curves in a range of cryptographic applications such as secret sharing frameproof codes and broadcast encryption. Suitable for researchers and graduate students in mathematics and computer science this self-contained book is one of the first to focus on many topics in cryptography involving algebraic curves. After supplying the necessary background on algebraic curves the authors discuss error-correcting codes including algebraic geometry codes and provide an introduction to elliptic curves. Each chapter in the remainder of the book deals with a selected topic in cryptography (other than elliptic curve cryptography). The topics covered include secret sharing schemes authentication codes frameproof codes key distribution schemes broadcast encryption and sequences. Chapters begin with introductory material before featuring the application of algebraic curves.

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March 4, 2025

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