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Chapman & Hall/CRC Finance: Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Chapman & Hall/CRC Finance: Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling (Hardcover)
Product Description

As pension fund systems decrease and dependency ratios increase risk management is becoming more complex in public and private pension plans. Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling sheds new light on the current state of pension fund risk management and provides new technical tools for addressing pension risk from an integrated point of view. Divided into four parts the book first presents the correct measurement of risk in pension funds fund dynamics under a performance-oriented arrangement an attribution model for monitoring the performance and risk of a defined benefit (DB) pension fund and an optimal investment problem of a defined contribution (DC) pension fund under inflationary risk. It also describes a pension plan from a dynamic optimization viewpoint the optimal asset allocation of U.S. pension funds the identification of stakeholders risks value-at-risk (VaR) methodology and various effects on the asset allocation of DB pension schemes. The second section focuses on the effects of uncertainty on employer-provided DB private pension plan liabilities; wage-based lump sum payments by death retirement or dismissal by the employer; fundamental retirement changes; occupational pension insurance in Germany; and longevity risk securitization in pension schemes. In the third part the book examines employers risks accountability rules and regulations useful actuarial analysis instruments risk-based solvency regime in the Netherlands and the impact of the 2008 global financial crisis on pension participants. The final part covers DB pension freezes and terminations of plans the two-pillar social security system of Italy the Greek social security system the effect of a company s unfunded pension liabilities on its stock market valuation and the returns of Spanish balanced pension plans and portfolio performance. With contributions from well-known international academics and professionals this book will assist pension fund executives risk managers consultants and academic researchers in attaining a clear picture of the integration of risks in the pension world. It offers a comprehensive contemporary account of how to handle the risks involved with pension funds.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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