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American Atelier Round Varda Speckled Black Stoneware Dinnerware Set Set of 16

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Product Name
American Atelier Round Varda Speckled Black Stoneware Dinnerware Set Set of 16
Product Description

American Atelier Varda16 Piece Dinnerware Set Express your personal style at the dinner table with this eye-popping American Atelier 16 Piece Dinnerware Set (full service for four adults). The earthenware construction is great for everyday use while the contemporary design is pretty enough to display. The durable construction makes it a perfect way to accentuate all your dinner parties home bar or buffet. For nearly any occasion this American Atelier Dinnerware Set will make a stunning addition. High Quality Stoneware for Everyday Use Our high quality stoneware is known for its solid durability. Stoneware is known to be the thicker heavier material choice that yields more resilient dinnerware. Stoneware is semi vitreous and is fired at higher temperatures for strength and durability. It is also non-porous and will not absorb liquids. Our stoneware sets are dishwasher safe which makes them easy to maintain. Strong enough to withstand microwave temperatures and frequent daily use this plate set for kitchen will ensure many years of continued use.

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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