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Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems: Progress in Applications of Boolean Functions (Paperback)

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Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems: Progress in Applications of Boolean Functions (Paperback)
Product Description

This book brings together five topics on the application of Boolean functions. They are 1. Equivalence classes of Boolean functions: The number of n-variable functions is large even for values as small as n = 6 and there has been much research on classifying functions. There are many classifications each with their own distinct merit. 2. Boolean functions for cryptography: The process of encrypting/decrypting plain text messages often depends on Boolean functions with specific properties. For example highly nonlinear functions are valued because they are less susceptible to linear attacks. 3. Boolean differential calculus: An operation analogous to taking the derivative of a real-valued function offers important insight into the properties of Boolean functions. One can determine tests or susceptibility to hazards. 4. Reversible logic: Most logic functions are irreversible; it is impossible to reconstruct the input given the output. However Boolean functions that are reversible are necessary for quantum computing and hold significant promise for low-power computing. 5. Data mining: The process of extracting subtle patterns from enormous amounts of data has benefited from the use of a graph-based representation of Boolean functions. This has use in surveillance fraud detection scientific discovery including bio-informatics genetics medicine and education. Written by experts these chapters present a tutorial view of new and emerging technologies in Boolean functions. Table of Contents: Equivalence Classes of Boolean Functions / Boolean Functions for Cryptography / Boolean Differential Calculus / Synthesis of Boolean Functions in Reversible Logic / Data Mining Using Binary Decision Diagrams

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February 4, 2025

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