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Offenders or Citizens?: Readings in Rehabilitation (Hardcover)

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Offenders or Citizens?: Readings in Rehabilitation (Hardcover)
Product Description

The punitive prison currently dominates the practice of Anglo-American criminal justice stigmatising its victims as perpetual offenders and failing to change a majority of them for the better. Books of academic readings sometimes profess neutrality over the controversies they invigilate. Offenders or Citizens? sits on no such fences its pages reflect the fiercely partisan nature of the contest between rehabilitation and punishment. Probation social work youth justice law corrections criminology journalism philosophy politics popular culture psychology anthropology and sociology - the voices of participants professionals and writers from many realms are all represented in this lively selection. Its aim - to stimulate and furnish a debate about the proper place of rehabilitation within a plural morally defensible and effective response to crime. This book will be essential reading for both students and practitioners within criminal justice who have an interest in the rehabilitation of convicted individuals and providing an essential broader context to the what works debate.

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March 4, 2025

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