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Advances in Sociolinguistics: Globalization of Language and Culture in Asia: The Impact of Globalization Processes on Language (Hardcover)

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Advances in Sociolinguistics: Globalization of Language and Culture in Asia: The Impact of Globalization Processes on Language (Hardcover)
Product Description

The impact of globalization processes on language is an emergent field in sociolinguistics. To date there has not been an in-depth look at this in Asia although Asia includes the two most populous globalizing economies of the world India and China. Covering the major themes in the field of globalization and language this book will take a look at topics such as English emerging as the medium of instruction for subjects like mathematics and science. Another theme is the rise of Mandarin as a potentially global language networking the Chinese diaspora. The cultural contexts of Asia specifically the Sinic Hindu and Islamic civililizations give the processes of globalization and language a unique dimension. This book is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in all fields of sociolinguistic enquiry.

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March 4, 2025

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