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Philosophy and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections on Disability (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Philosophy and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections on Disability (Hardcover)
Product Description

This project draws together the diverse strands of the debate regarding disability in a way never before combined in a single volume. After providing a representative sampling of competing philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of disability as such the volume goes on to address such themes as the complex interplay between disability and quality of life questions of social justice as it relates to disability and the personal dimensions of the disability experience. By explicitly locating the discussion of various applied ethical questions within the broader theoretical context of how disability is best conceptualized the volume seeks to bridge the gap between abstract philosophical musings about the nature of disease illness and disability found in much of the philosophy of medicine literature on the one hand and the comparatively concrete but less philosophical discourse frequently encountered in much of the disability studies literature. It also critically examines various claims advanced by disability advocates as well as those of their critics. In bringing together leading scholars in the fields of moral theory bioethics and disability studies this volume makes a unique contribution to the scholarly literature while also offering a valuable resource to instructors and students interested in a text that critically examines and assesses various approaches to some of the most vexing problems in contemporary social and political philosophy.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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