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Los ojos de Goya Spanish Workbook : Student Activities for the Spanish Novel Los ojos de Goya (Paperback)

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Los ojos de Goya Spanish Workbook : Student Activities for the Spanish Novel Los ojos de Goya (Paperback)
Product Description

This Spanish workbook has activities that build vocabulary and teach grammar in conjunction with the suspense novel Los ojos de Goya. Students will love the Spanish culture puzzles games and comprehension activities that accompany the novel. Los ojos de Goya Spanish Workbook has student activities to accompany the leveled Spanish reader Los ojos de Goya a young adult suspense novel set in Seville and Madrid two of the most iconic cities in Spain. Students play games solve puzzles and complete comprehension activities to practice essential Spanish skills. Written for late beginner to intermediate levels students learn Spanish vocabulary grammar and authentic culture through a plot full of suspense and mystery. Chapter by chapter activities make it easy to keep your students on the edge of their seat as they explore the art of Francisco de Goya and the best of Spanish culture. (Novel sold separately.)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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