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Handcrafted Model Ships New-Blue-Lifering-10 Classic White Decorative Lifering With Blue Bands 10 in.

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Product Name
Handcrafted Model Ships New-Blue-Lifering-10 Classic White Decorative Lifering With Blue Bands 10 in.
Product Description

The Blue and White new 10 in. decorative lifering is the perfect nautical accent to add to your home, office, or pool area. Blue canvas straps accent the white lifering displaying nautical stars in blue, and will make guests and family feel at home and comfortable. Lightweight styrofoam construction makes the small 10 in. lifering easy to hang anywhere so you can bring that nautical ocean feel into the comfort of your own home, office, nautical clubhouse, or poolhouse.Features: Sturdy Lightweight dense styrofoam construction for easy hanging. Blue canvas handmade straps for authenticity. Bright new white base color is clean and tidy. Volor - Blue. Product Type - Beach Decor. Dimension - 10 x 1.5 x 10 in. Item Weight - 1 lbs. - SKU: HDFM1312

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Last updated
October 15, 2024

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