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Fake Books: The Celtic Fake Book (Paperback)

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Fake Books: The Celtic Fake Book (Paperback)
Product Description

(Fake Book). The popularity of Celtic music has soared over the last decade due to the resurgence of folk instruments Celtic dancing and Irish culture overall. This amazing collection assembles over 400 songs from Ireland Scotland and Wales complete with Gaelic lyrics where applicable and a pronunciation guide. Titles include: Across the Western Ocean * Along with My Love I ll Go * Altar Isle O the Sea * Auld Lang Syne * Avondale * The Band Played On * Barbara Allen * Blessing of the Road * The Blue Bells of Scotland * The Bonniest Lass * A Bunch of Thyme * The Chanty That Beguiled the Witch * Columbus Was an Irishman * Danny Boy * Duffy s Blunders * Erin! Oh Erin! * Father Murphy * Finnegan s Wake * The Galway Piper * The Girl I Left Behind Me * Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly * I Know Where I m Goin * Irish Rover * Loch Lomond * Molly Malone * My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean * My Wild Irish Rose * The Shores of Amerikay * The Sons of Liberty * That s an Irish Lullaby * When Irish Eyes Are Smiling * Who Threw the Overalls in Mistress Murphy s Chowder * and hundreds more. Also includes many Irish popular songs as a bonus.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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