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Foot and Ankle Radiology (Hardcover) 9780443087820

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Product Name
Foot and Ankle Radiology (Hardcover) 9780443087820
Product Description

This text/atlas of radiography introduces the scope of diagnostic radiology applicable to podiatric medicine including normal and pathological presentations of the foot and ankle. It covers the principles of radiographic interpretation normal and variant radiographic anatomy and development of the foot and ankle systematic evaluation of bone and joint disorders as well as bone and joint abnormalities. An excellent guide to the radiographic presentations of pathologic conditions this book acquaints the reader with specific radiologic pathology of the foot and ankle and offers a solid understanding of general diagnostic radiology and pathologic correlation. It also demonstrates how to systematically analyze a radiograph and identify conditions that are intrinsic to the foot or that represent manifestations of extrinsic disease. ISBN: 9780443087820 ISBN10: 0443087822 Contributors: Christman Robert A.

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March 4, 2025

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