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Panduit CBX4RD-A/N Mini-Com 4-Module Elongated Surface Mount Box W/ Adhesive

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Product Name
Panduit CBX4RD-A/N Mini-Com 4-Module Elongated Surface Mount Box W/ Adhesive
Product Description

Mini-Com Surface Mount Boxes offer a variety of mounting options allowing Mini-Com Modules to be mounted on a variety of surfaces such as standard walls metal surfaces office furniture etc. Surface mount boxes include breakouts compatible with Panduit’s Raceway system to conceal and allow cable to run into the box providing a point of connection for voice video and data applications. Mini-Com blanks can be used to reserve space for future expansion. Shuttered surface mount boxes include a spring-shuttered door that will protect the connections from dust and debris. The 6-port deep shuttered box is deeper and includes a routing bridge to help route the cables and protect the bend radius.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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