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Pre-Owned Saffron City Siege (Paperback) by Hidenori Kusaka Gerard Jones

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Saffron City Siege (Paperback) by Hidenori Kusaka Gerard Jones
Product Description

9781569315606. Pre-owned: Good condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 224. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 224 p. Contains: Illustrations. Pokemon Adventures (Viz Subtitles) 3. Intended for a juvenile audience. In this third entry in the Pokemon Adventures series Red Blue and Green must rescue Professor Oak from Team Rocket in a deserted Saffron City. Then Red tracks down Giovanni the leader of Team Rocket in order to do battle. Next Blaine a scientist who defected from Team Rocket creates a monster: Mewtwo the most powerful psychic Pokemon ever. And now Red must defeat it alone. Don t count on the happy ending of Pokemon: The First Movie. This time Team Rocket means business.These stories follow the adventures of trainers Red and Blue and new characters as they explore forests jungles cities and caves in search of Pokemon -- and try to outwit Team Rocket a mysterious group of villains who want to use Pokemon for evil.

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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