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CRL WS377DV96 96 Extruded Dark Bronze Anodized and Nylon Brush Door 5/8 Bristle Weatherstrip

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Product Name
CRL WS377DV96 96 Extruded Dark Bronze Anodized and Nylon Brush Door 5/8 Bristle Weatherstrip
Product Description

This CRL Extruded Aluminum and Nylon Brush Door Sweep is designed to be applied to the stop perimeter of a frame to prevent energy loss and reduce noise infiltration. This Weatherstrip uses thousands of flexible bristles allowing a seal on uneven and even surfaces. Bristles are available in 11/32 (8.7 mm) 5/8 (16 mm) and 3/4 (19 mm) lengths. Supplied with screws for easy installation. .

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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