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Singer S0100 Overlock Serger

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Product info

Product Name
Singer S0100 Overlock Serger
Product Description

The S0100 serger saves you time because it sews a seam and seam finish at the same time while trimming away the excess seam allowance. Seams and seam finishes – just like you see on store-bought garments – are possible thanks to the serger. You can use 2 threads 3 threads or 4 threads for a variety of stitch combinations. Sew those narrow little hems on napkins or stitch up a knit top with seams that stretch with the fabric without popping. Sew a decorative edge around a fleece blanket for an extra bit of flair. Differential Feed allows you to sew super stretchy fabrics without the wavy distortion and sheers without puckering. The Built-in Free Arm makes it possible to sew around small sleeves and cuffs - great for children s clothing and more. You ll love the professional results your serger gives your projects.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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