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Advanced Test Methods for Srams: Effective Solutions for Dynamic Fault Detection in Nanoscaled Technologies (Hardcover)

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Advanced Test Methods for Srams: Effective Solutions for Dynamic Fault Detection in Nanoscaled Technologies (Hardcover)
Product Description

Modern electronics depend on nanoscaled technologies that present new challenges in terms of testing and diagnostics. Memories are particularly prone to defects since they exploit the technology limits to get the highest density. This book is an invaluable guide to the testing and diagnostics of the latest generation of SRAM one of the most widely applied types of memory. Classical methods for testing memory are designed to handle the so-called static faults but these test solutions are not sufficient for faults that are emerging in the latest Very Deep Sub-Micron (VDSM) technologies. These new fault models referred to as dynamic faults are not covered by classical test solutions and require the dedicated test sequences presented in this book.

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March 4, 2025

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