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Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Netw Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Netw Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants (Hardcover)
Product Description

Thirty years after RSA was first publicized it remains an active research area. Although several good surveys exist they are either slightly outdated or only focus on one type of attack. Offering an updated look at this field Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants presents the best known mathematical attacks on RSA and its main variants including CRT-RSA multi-prime RSA and multi-power RSA. Divided into three parts the book first introduces RSA and reviews the mathematical background needed for the majority of attacks described in the remainder of the text. It then brings together all of the most popular mathematical attacks on RSA and its variants. For each attack presented the author includes a mathematical proof if possible or a mathematical justification for attacks that rely on assumptions. For the attacks that cannot be proven he gives experimental evidence to illustrate their practical effectiveness. Focusing on mathematical attacks that exploit the structure of RSA and specific parameter choices this book provides an up-to-date collection of the most well-known attacks along with details of the attacks. It facilitates an understanding of the cryptanalysis of public-key cryptosystems applications of lattice basis reduction and the security of RSA and its variants.

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March 3, 2025

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