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Masterpass: The New Mrcpsych Paper I Practice McQs and Emis (Paperback)

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Product Name
Masterpass: The New Mrcpsych Paper I Practice McQs and Emis (Paperback)
Product Description

The new MRCPsych examination has changed significantly. Instead of two distinct parts there are now three written papers and one clinical exam. This book is completely up-to-date and takes into account the new format. It provides 250 practice best-of-five multiple choice questions (MCQs) and 100 extended matching items questions (EMIs) for Paper I. It contains clear concise solutions to each question as an aid to revision. It is comprehensive and authoritative with both authors being members of the Psychiatric Trainee s Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. As well as being an essential revision aid for candidates sitting Paper I it is also useful when preparing for Papers II and III because of the many similarly themed questions.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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