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Paper Action Figures of the Imagination: Clip Color and Create (Paperback)

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Paper Action Figures of the Imagination: Clip Color and Create (Paperback)
Product Description

With this book paper action figures become dynamic teaching tools that can generate interest in a new culture a story an era or even a topic of the imagination. Two-dimensional cutout figures--person animal or inanimate objects drawn or printed on paper with accompanying clothing--have given much pleasure and imparted values and culture to thousands of children across the years. Cutouts such as those presented in Paper Action Figures of the Imagination: Clip Color and Create are still a popular pastime and they are a natural for instruction and learning. Both boys and girls will enjoy cutting coloring and creating figures that represent units of study. The paper action figures offered here can be used to pique interest in research into a culture a story a time period or historical event or an imaginary topic. Each section includes paper action figures an edited portion from an original article published in Crinkles Volumes I-IX as well as a lesson plan or activity linked to national content area or information literacy standards and an updated bibliography. Grades 2-6

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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