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New Snatch (Blu-ray)

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Product Name
New Snatch (Blu-ray)
Product Description

A wild and tangled crime adventure involving gangsters Irish gypsies and a dog that can t stop swallowing things SNATCH is both hilarious and action-packed. Jewel thief Franky Four Fingers (Benicio Del Toro) is in London en route to New York where he will deliver an 86-karat diamond to his boss Avi (Dennis Farina). a compulsive gambler Franky is tempted into an illegal boxing scam becoming the unwitting suspect in a robbery committed by bumbling pawnshop owners Vinny (Robbie Gee) Sol (Lennie James) and their oaf-of-a-driver Tyrone (Ade). Meanwhile novice boxing promoter Turkish (Jason Statham) and his dim-witted partner Tommy (Stephen Graham) move into the big time with twisted crime boss Brick Top (Alan Ford) and Mickey a mumbling unhinged Irish gypsy boxer (Brad Pitt). Thrown into the proceedings are killers Bullet Tooth Tony (Vinnie Jones) and Boris the Blade (Rade Sherbedgia). Directed by Guy Ritchie. Starring Brad Pitt Benicio Del Toro Jason Statham.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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