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Raid Max Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger Roach & Flea Insect Killer 2.1 fl oz 3 Cans

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Product Name
Raid Max Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger Roach & Flea Insect Killer 2.1 fl oz 3 Cans
Product Description

Raid Max Indoor Defense System Roaches and Fleas Killer Fogger The worst bug invasions deserve MAX protection. Raid MAX Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger kills insects where they live and breed and keeps killing for up to 2 months. The penetrating fog reaches deep into hard-to-reach areas as well as cracks and crevices to kill hidden bugs. Raid MAX fogger works against a wide range of insects. It s an ant killer roach killer and mosquito killer that s also effective on earwigs fleas crickets ticks black carpet beetles saw-toothed grain beetles small flying moths water bugs pill bugs rice weevils palmetto bugs and more. Raid MAX Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger handles large infestations. Raid MAX Concentrated Deep Reach Fogger is suitable for large spaces 1 can treat up to 7 000 cu ft (a room up to 25 x 35 with an 8 ceiling). Perfect to help treat areas such as attics basements cabins garages household storage areas sheds and campers. It has a delayed fogging action giving you time to leave the room before it starts working. And afterward there s no messy residue left behind. When used as directed

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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