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Rockville 10 Church Speakers+Mixer+Stands+Mics and Bluetooth for Church Sound Systems

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Product Name
Rockville 10 Church Speakers+Mixer+Stands+Mics and Bluetooth for Church Sound Systems
Product Description

All About Your RPG2X10 V2: How To Set Up Your RPG2x10 V2: How To Set Up Karaoke with Your RPG2x10 V2: Description: The RPG2X10 V2 is a very versatile and great sounding system. This is a complete system that includes (2) speakers a powered mixer (2) wired microphones (2) stands and all the cables you will need. This system is great because it is powerful and loud and has great sound while still being very portable. The system has 800 watts of peak output 400 watts program power and 200 watts RMS. This system is loud enough for multiple applications. You can use this as a DJ system in bars auditoriums schools churches karaoke and more! What I love about this system is that it has a 4 channel mixer built in. This is the heart of the system. The mixer will give you full control over your sound. You can control your mic channels and your source volumes independently to get the exact sound you want! This mixer also has built in bluetooth so you can easily transmit audio from your phone or bluetooth mp3 player to the system. There is also an SD and USB for more listening options. We also added effects to this mixer to give you more customization options. This has reverb and digital delay on each channel. The mics we included with this system are our Rockville RMM-XLR mics. These are very rugged metal mics. They sound fabulous and have a great feel to them. We have seen brands that include cheap plastic mics in their systems. We spent the extra few dollars to include top of the line mics! We went with 10 inches speakers because it is the perfect combination of high power handling and portability. The speakers sound great. If you want an expandable and versatile complete system that has a lot of power and great sound quality then we recommend you check out our RPG2X10 V2! Owner s Manual

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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