Product info
For over two decades two small companies have been independently making and selling high quality board games card games and puzzles that families will treasure for years. While developing on their own Talicor and Aristoplay have both come to share the philosophy that games should provide rich experiences beyond the first play. Now these two like-minded companies have merged to become not only bigger but better as well! For 25 years Aristoplay has developed games that teach you something while you have fun at the same time. Learning through play doesn’t have to be just for kids. For over 30 years Talicor has offered a wide variety of board and card games designed to promote wonderful family and get-together time. The Ungame encourages sharing and understanding self-discovery listening skills and more – all in one fun game! MathAnimals is an exciting new game that teaches and reinforces addition subtraction or multiplication skills for children of all ages. With the roll of a die players race around the colorful game board trying to land their playing piece on the animal that represents the highest number. Then they either add subtract or multiply the number on the die to the number they have landed on. The winner is the first to have their grand total reach the goal a number that is set at the beginning of each new game. With more than 6 variations of game play MathAnimals will continue to stimulate learning and grow with your child for years to come. Ages 5 and Up 2 to 4 Players- SKU: TAL2034
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