Product info
Do you own an Audio Technica AT-LP60 or AT-PL50 turntable? If it s time to replace the needle you need this replacement needle or stylus as it is called in the industry. To remove old stylus (needle) hold the cartridge in 1 hand grasp the plastic stylus housing with thumb and forefinger and pull away from the cartridge. The stylus assembly comes away at a slight angle as indicated by the arrow. To install replacement stylus insert the new stylus assembly into the cartridge at a slight angle so the hook at the end of the stylus fits into the slot in the cartridge body. The stylus assembly should click into place when fully seated on the cartridge. The stylus must be fully seated on the body for proper operation. Audio Technica has been refining the art of transducer technology since their first handcrafted phono cartridge in 1962.
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