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Evan-Moor Daily Word Problems Math Grade 1 Teacher Edition

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Product Name
Evan-Moor Daily Word Problems Math Grade 1 Teacher Edition
Product Description

Completely revised in 2019 to reflect grade-level standards Daily Word Problems is the perfect resource to improve students problem-solving skills. The all-NEW word problems are written to support current math standards and expectations and provide consistent spiral review of math concepts. Students problem-solving skills improve as they participate in meaningful real-life math practice. The 36 weeks of activities provide practice of grade-level math concepts such as addition multiplication fractions logic algebra and more. Each week focuses on a theme and provides a daily word problem within the context of a real-life situation. • Monday–Thursday s activities provide a one- or two-step word problem. • Friday s format is more extensive and requires multiple steps. The multi-step problems require students to incorporate higher-order thinking skills by applying their understanding within a different context. • Reproducible pages provide plenty of room for students to

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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