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Combat Max 12 Month Roach Killing Bait Small Roach Bait Station Child-Resistant 18 Count

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Product Name
Combat Max 12 Month Roach Killing Bait Small Roach Bait Station Child-Resistant 18 Count
Product Description

Combat Max 12 Month roach killer baits are designed to start killing German roaches and other small roaches in hours and prevent them from coming back for up to 12 months. These roach killing baits are formulated with food that specifically attracts small roaches plus a powerful insecticide Fipronil these baits provide quick results and complete control. These baits kill roaches in a Domino-Effect and eliminate at the source of the infestation. Use Combat Max 12 Month roach killer baits wherever you see roaches and protect your home for up to an entire year. For indoor use. This package includes 18 child-resistant Combat Max roach killing bait stations for small roaches to protect your home for up to an entire year. It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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