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Selling in Tough Times : Secrets to Selling When No One Is Buying (Hardcover)

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Selling in Tough Times : Secrets to Selling When No One Is Buying (Hardcover)
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Tough Times can be brought on by any number of factors: a down economy Mother Nature shifts in customers needs national tragedy--the list goes on and on. These types of changes can be extremely disruptive even paralyzing when we re not prepared for them. While many see no other option than to sit tight and ride things out when crisis strikes true career professionals in selling understand that the only way to deal with adversity is to meet it head-on. That s why a positive attitude and a proactive approach to problem-solving are two of the most essential ingredients for success in selling--and why those who embrace them not only to survive but thrive even in the most difficult of circumstances. Now in his latest book Selling in Tough Times world-renowned selling expert Tom Hopkins puts his real-world in-the-trenches experience to work and shares his plan to reverse the momentum of tough times--and even capitalize on them. With exercises to help you discover previously overlooked opportunities and eliminate waste along with out-of-the-box methods for recruiting new customers and key tips on how to solidify your existing business Hopkins gives you powerful ways to spur sales now and for years to come. Learn how to: Mine your client list to generate new leads Keep--and reward--your current customers so that they re loyal for life. Reduce the sales resistance that plagues tough times with tactics that overcome consumers fears. Woo clients from your competition with 12 new strategies specially tailored for tough times. Cycles will come and go but the principles of great selling and those who live by them stand firm. Find out how you can achieve your maximum selling potential whatever the business climate in Selling in Tough Times today.

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Last updated
February 3, 2025

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