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Silicon-On-Sapphire Circuits and Systems: Sensor and Biosensor Interfaces (Paperback)

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Silicon-On-Sapphire Circuits and Systems: Sensor and Biosensor Interfaces (Paperback)
Product Description

Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The Latest Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS Design and Fabrication Techniques Develop high-performance SOS-based microsystems. Filled with examples schematics and charts Silicon-on-Sapphire Circuits and Systems covers the latest analog and mixed-signal IC design techniques. Learn how to assemble SOI/SOS circuits and systems work with an insulated substrate and device models create miniaturized amplifiers and switches and build ADCs and DACs. You will also find information on constructing photosensitive circuits and memory chips deploying integrated biosensors overcoming noise and power issues and maximizing efficiency. Discover how to: Extract active and passive device models and parameters Design single-stage amplifiers op amps references and comparators Build digital processors data converters and mixed-mode circuits Deploy photodetectors in active pixel sensor and imaging arrays Optimize performance quantum efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio Develop current and voltage mode SOS-based biosensors Use CMOS monolithic and digital phase-shift isolation techniques Integrate the latest three-dimensional assemblies and die packages

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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