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Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Ecgs for Nurses (Paperback)

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Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Ecgs for Nurses (Paperback)
Product Description

ECGs for Nurses provides everything the nurse needs to know about the electrocardiogram. Accessible yet comprehensive and packed with case studies this portable guide enables nurses to become skilled practitioners in an area often seen as highly complex. Using real ECG traces as examples possible effects on the patient and treatment options are discussed with a focus on the role of the nurse. This fully illustrated second edition remains the essential reference guide for nurses working in all acute areas as well as general nurses and students learning about ECGs for the first time. One of the only ECG texts written by a nurse specifically for nurses Written by an expert in the field Easy-to-access information full of practical advice Essential for nurses working and studying in intensive care high dependency units theatre theatre recovery coronary care units medical wards and accident and emergency. Case studies and discussion of real ECGs throughout. New to this edition Fully updated throughout with up-to-date guidelines and procedures Includes new guidelines on management of cardiac arrest arrhythmias Case studies added to all chapters

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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