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MRI for Orthopaedic Surgeons (Hardcover)

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Product Name
MRI for Orthopaedic Surgeons (Hardcover)
Product Description

An essential guide to honing and developing skills in the review of musculoskeletal MRI studies Designed specifically for orthopedic surgeons involved in the review of musculoskeletal MRIs this book enables clinicians to develop a systematic approach to the interpretation of MRI studies. It provides clinicians with a solid understanding of essential concepts including the physics of MRI various pulse sequences available for obtaining an MRI and normal MRI anatomy and contains chapters on special considerations for imaging articular cartilage and soft-tissue and bone tumors as well as advanced techniques such as MR arthrography and MR angiography correlation with other imaging modalities and safety issues. Features: More than 700 MRIs and instructive illustrations to highlight key concepts related to normal anatomy and pathologic processes Practical discussion of how other imaging modalities correlate with MRI Clinical insights from leading orthopedic surgeons and radiologists An ideal resource for orthopedic surgeons residents and fellows this book provides essential instruction on how to approach MRI studies in everyday practice. With its practical coverage of clinical concepts this book will also serve as a valuable reference for radiologists rheumatologists primary care physicians and other specialists who care for patients with musculoskeletal conditions.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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