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Continuum Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Happiness and Greek Ethical Thought (Paperback)

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Product Name
Continuum Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Happiness and Greek Ethical Thought (Paperback)
Product Description

This book presents a fresh exploration of happiness through the ideas of the ancient Greek philosophers. It introduces readers to the main currents of Greek ethical thought (Socratic living Platonism Aristotelianism Epicureanism Scepticism Stoicism Cynicism) and takes a close look at characters such as Socrates Diogenes and Alexander the Great. Yet Happiness and Greek Ethical Thought is much more than just a casual stroll through ancient thinking. It attempts to show how certain common themes in Greek thought are essential for living a happy life in any age. The author maintains that in many respects the Greek integrative ideal contrary to the hedonistic individualism that many pluralistic societies at least implicitly advocate is a much richer alternative that warrants honest reconsideration today.

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March 4, 2025

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