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Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: 1v CMOS Gm-C Filters: Design and Applications (Hardcover)

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Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: 1v CMOS Gm-C Filters: Design and Applications (Hardcover)
Product Description

1V CMOS Gm-C Filters: Design and Applications discusses the design aspects of transconductor and Gm-C filter circuits with a special focus on 1V circuit implementations. The emphasis is on high linearity voltage-to-current blocks for wireless and wireline applications and the designs cover up to very high speed specifications. 1V CMOS Gm-C Filters: Design and Applications provides a clear introduction of low voltage architectures and yields insight into the influence of circuit non-idealities. The fully CMOS implementation could be useful for wireless and wireline applications. The basic design concepts can be easily constructed through the illustration of this book. This book can be provided for engineers and researchers who are interested in the transconductor and Gm-C filter. It is also a good reference for the course related to analog integrated circuit design.

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March 4, 2025

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