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Current Clinical Practice (Humana): Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation (Other)

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Current Clinical Practice (Humana): Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation (Other)
Product Description

Bone densitometry (BD) is an extraordinary clinical tool. It provides a safe non-invasive window to the skeleton. Through that window a physician can obtain vital clinical information that enhances diagnosis and improves patient management. Further much has changed in the last decade to make bone densitometry the especially fascinating field of medicine it is today incorporating imaging physics quantitative analysis statistics and computer technology -- all applied in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. No text details the state-of-the-art and value of densitometry better than Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Applications and Interpretation Third Edition. Written by renowned expert Sydney Lou Bonnick MD this edition improves remarkably on her highly regarded previous volumes with a significant update and expansion of material. New chapters reflect densitometry s growing applications as well as the evolving needs of the densitometrist. New material on radiation safety and assessment for secondary causes of bone fragility is included and the text also incorporates material from the recent ISCD Position Development Conferences (PDC s) both the 4th adult and the 1st pediatric. Moreover an entire appendix devoted to the PDCs has been added providing solutions to many unanswered questions concerning bone densitometry applications. Comprehensive and invaluable Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice: Application and Interpretation Third Edition offers all primary care physicians and specialists the ideal reference for practicing state-of-the-art bone densitometry and caring for patients with or at risk for osteoporosis.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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