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Cognitive Therapy in Practice : A Guide to the Assessment and Treatment of Common Psychological Problems

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Product Name
Cognitive Therapy in Practice : A Guide to the Assessment and Treatment of Common Psychological Problems
Product Description

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is increasingly recognised by mental health experts as the treatment of choice for a range of health problems including depression and anxiety disorders. But exactly what is CBT? What is the evidence for its effectiveness? And how can a doctor social worker counsellor or nurse use CBT with patients? Throughout this book Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Chris Hamilton an established primary care specialist provides an outline of the problems a GP or non-specialist might encounter and explains the theory and practice of the CBT approach. He describes how to identify the indicators of disorders such as anxiety obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression which may be marked by physical symptoms and provides a guide to resources available for self-help and assisted self-help. This book should provide a valuable resource to those already working in the field of mental health and those who are either contemplating training or have already embarked on a course.

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March 4, 2025

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