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Miracle Blanket Swaddle Wrap - Boy Girl or Neutral Receiving Baby Blanket - Soft Wearable Sleep Sack Essential for Newborns and Infants (Blue)

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Product Name
Miracle Blanket Swaddle Wrap - Boy Girl or Neutral Receiving Baby Blanket - Soft Wearable Sleep Sack Essential for Newborns and Infants (Blue)
Product Description

Being a new parent can be challenging enough without adding sleep deprivation to it. The world-famous award-winning and number-one pediatrician-recommended swaddle The Miracle Blanket is the secret to a happy & well-rested baby. The Miracle Blanket Swaddle Wrap has been proven to extend sleep periods between feedings by preventing night movement startle reflex (moro) and separation anxiety; thus allowing your baby to sleep longer and deeper with this magic blanket. A true swaddling blanket that s effectiveness is due to it s product-unique triple patented arm flap design and length of the wrap portion. Not all swaddles were created equal; and the Miracle Blanket was created by a Dad who found no solutions on the market for his baby s severe colic and lack of sleep. Seeking answers from many pediatricians and healthcare professionals; this Dad created the perfect swaddle in his garage; a swaddle that gave all of the wonderful benefits of swaddling; without any of the negatives associated with it.His baby would immediately calm and fall asleep in it; so he sent it to a group of test moms who kept raving about this miracle blanket; and a product for the ages was born. It is a swaddle blanket swaddle wrap sleep sack and wearable blanket All-In-One. It is the only swaddle we have heard of with a guarantee of calming of fussiness and sleep within minutes.

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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