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Lender Created Debt : How Interest on Money Affects the Human Condition

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Lender Created Debt : How Interest on Money Affects the Human Condition
Product Description

With Lender Created Debt author RD Dulin brings new perspective to the ancient subject of debt. Many people assume that debt is a simple matter that gets out of control due to ineptitude and bad money management habits of borrowers. But there is another poorly understood type of debt that is as irresistible as gravity death and taxes. Lender created debt has the ability to grow out of the control of the borrower until everything in the world and everything that is yet to come is owed to the lender. This debt supersedes concepts of morality decency and societal responsibility. This debt supersedes constitutions and representative government. This debt even supersedes the right of some people to participate in commerce to supply their own necessities. Our society is under the control of lender created debt now. This book describes a civilized way out.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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