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The Mind-Beauty Connection : 9 Days to Less Stress Gorgeous Skin and a Whole New You. (Paperback)

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The Mind-Beauty Connection : 9 Days to Less Stress Gorgeous Skin and a Whole New You. (Paperback)
Product Description

It s not your age that s causing half of those lines and crinkles. It s your life. Now Amy Wechsler MD shows you how to de-stress your skin and take years -- years -- off your face. In 9 days. Liking the way you look is vital to your health and happiness. But that s not easy when life runs at warp speed -- you re simultaneously coping with ever-increasing demands: dependent kids aging parents or both; shopping; cooking; laundry; money pressures; and more more more. Good bet you re superstressed tightly wound sleep-deprived -- and it shows. Sure but your thirties you ve accumulated the first signs of normal aging: crow s feet a bit of saf some broken capillaries. But stress aging -- how the madness of modern life affects your physical features inside and out -- is today s biggest skin and health challenge. Happily stress aging is very reversible. And it takes only a few days. While you may never be able to totally turn off all the pressure (if only!) Dr. Wechsler has plenty of combination strategies -- from her own favorite stress buster to her number one wrinkle reverser -- to help you turn back the aging effects of tension and time. She ll also teach you how to slow down and to some degree reverse the natural aging process. This is your guide to feeling looking and living young. In her book she shows you how to: Find out your SkinAge with a groundbreaking test that reveals how old (or young!) you really book Personalize a 9-day renewal plan that s right for your face wallet and psyche Understand the different cosmetic procedures and products available today Adopt a mind-beauty regimen that will keep your skin -- correction: your whole body -- looking and feeling terrific -- not just for now but for life. The mind-beauty connection is powerful and can dramatically affect how well -- and how fast -- you age. The rewards for soling it go far beyond a quick fix. They re transforming. You ll not only look better you ll also sleep better feel better and likely lose unwanted weight as you begin to feel healthier less stress and more alive. Ready for a whole new you? Open this book and let s start!

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March 4, 2025

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