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Biomaterials in Hand Surgery (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Biomaterials in Hand Surgery (Hardcover)
Product Description

Biomaterials are used in many areas of medicine particularly in surgery and d- tistry. In orthopedic surgery total hip arthroplasty has been extremely successful and has been called the operation of the 20th century . Total hip arthroplasty is r- tinely performed every day in most orthopedic departments. Over the last decades many efforts have been made to better integrate the components within the recipient bones to decrease the friction at the prosthetic interface and to minimize wear. Minimally invasive procedures have been developed and various designs are inte- ed to preserve as much as possible of the bone stock of young patients. By contrast the clinical results have been less favorable after various hand and wrist joint replacements. Many early designs have failed the clinical data of the current pr- theses are frequently quite limited and there is often insufficient biomechanical information available although trapezio-metacarpal arthroplasty in particular has become quite popular in recent years. In order to promote progress in hand and wrist arthroplasty Antonio Merolli and Thomas J. Joyce have edited this lovely book whose chapters discuss current research and recent advances in hand and wrist arthroplasty. The problems of metacarpophalangeal joint prostheses are particularly developed.

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March 4, 2025

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