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Lisa McGirr: Give Me Liberty! Book 7 (Seagull Edition) (Paperback)

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Lisa McGirr: Give Me Liberty! Book 7 (Seagull Edition) (Paperback)
Product Description

Give Me Liberty! is beloved by instructors and students alike because it delivers an authoritative concise and integrated American history. In the Seventh Edition Eric Foner welcomes acclaimed scholars Kathleen DuVal and Lisa McGirr as co-authors. Together they have enhanced coverage of Native American history with an emphasis on how it refines our understanding of freedom--the book s urgent guiding theme. New pedagogical tools including a guided interactive reading experience with support in developing critical thinking skills are designed to help students get the most out of this beloved text. The Seagull Edition offers the complete text of the Full Edition in full color and a portable trim size with fewer illustrations and maps and an exceptionally low price.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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