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Tenchi in Tokyo: A New Career (DVD) NEW

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Product Name
Tenchi in Tokyo: A New Career (DVD) NEW
Product Description

Yuugi s plot to destroy the Masaki household and leave Earth vulnerable to her attack has almost succeeded when the balance begins to shift back in favor of Jurai and Earth. Galaxy Patrol Agents Mihoshi and Kiyone infiltrate Ryouko s gang of space pirates and reestablish their friendship despite Hotsamu s efforts to keep them apart. Back on Earth Washu discovers that Yuugi is a powerful mutant who nearly destroyed Jurai 3 500 years ago. Sealed in a special capsule by the empress Hinase Yuugi was exiled to the far reaches of space but somehow crashed on Earth. Ayeka visits the crash site and confirms Washu s findings. She prepares elaborate defenses for the Masaki house--and catches Tenchi s dimwitted father in her traps. Yuugi adopts the guise of a blonde waif to befriend the naive Sasami. Meanwhile Tenchi and Sakuya conclude the school year in Tokyo and begin making plans for a vacation trip with their friends. Their relationship seems to be developing smoothly but Tenchi is puzzled by Sakuya s lack of knowledge about her own past and family. When the eternally oblivious Tenchi begins to suspect something s wrong viewers know that major trouble is on the way. Rated 13 and older. --Charles Solomon

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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