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Color Atlas of Clinical Orthopedics (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Color Atlas of Clinical Orthopedics (Hardcover)
Product Description

T e evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders is of en T is atlas of ers a starting point for orthopedic ra- problematic because of the variety of diseases and di- ology and pathology residents. Furthermore it emp- agnostic complexity. T is is compounded by the in- sizes a team approach and should be attractive to the creasing specialization in this f eld. While a variety of clinician the rheumatologist the radiologist and - recent textbooks give comprehensive coverage of these thologist and of er them the opportunity to familiarize disorders this color atlas is intended to provide a suc- themselves with and enhance their diagnostic acumen of cinct guide to evaluation and treatment. T e atlas is or- these musculoskeletal conditions. ganized into sections according to diagnosis. T e text T is atlas of clinical orthopedics is a joint ef ort from is brief and gives concise information on the clinical two large institutions the Orthopedic Department of features radiographic characteristics and pathologi- Semmelweis University (Hungary) and the musculos- cal features that are important for the diagnosis. T e letal tumor center of Mayo Clinic (USA) both of which reader will appreciate the many illustrations demon- have extensive experience in the dif erent areas of m- strating the characteristic features of musculoskeletal culoskeletal diseases.

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Last updated
January 30, 2025

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