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Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Languages for Embedded Systems and Their Applications: Selected Contributions on Specification Design and Verification from FDL 08 (Hardcover)

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Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Languages for Embedded Systems and Their Applications: Selected Contributions on Specification Design and Verification from FDL 08 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Embedded systems take over complex control and data processing tasks in diverse application ?elds such as automotive avionics consumer products and telec- munications. They are the primary driver for improving overall system safety ef?ciency and comfort. The demand for further improvement in these aspects can only be satis?ed by designing embedded systems of increasing complexity which in turn necessitates the development of new system design methodologies based on speci?cation design and veri?cation languages. The objective of the book at hand is to provide researchers and designers with an overview of current research trends results and application experiences in c- puter languages for embedded systems. The book builds upon the most relevant contributions to the 2008 conference Forum on Design Languages (FDL) the p- mier international conference specializing in this ?eld. These contributions have been selected based on the results of reviews provided by leading experts from - search and industry. In many cases the authors have improved their original work by adding breadth depth or explanation.

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March 4, 2025

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