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Football Scouting Methods (Paperback)

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Product Name
Football Scouting Methods (Paperback)
Product Description

Considered the bible of scouting techniques according to the Los Angeles Times Football Scouting Methods explains the basic scouting strategies and insights of author Steve Belichick. He was widely viewed as the ablest football scout of his time and coached at the U.S. Naval Academy for 33 years; his son is New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick a three-time Super Bowl winner. When Steve Belichick died in November 2005 the New York Times headline described him as Coach Who Wrote the Book on Scouting and cited Houston Texans General Manager Charley Casserly calling Football Scouting Methods the best book on scouting he had ever read. In recent years this title has been one of the top ten most sought out-of-print books; used copies have been quite scarce. This reissue edition makes the original 1962 text available once again in exact facsimile. The book explains how to scout opponents recognize defenses analyze offenses discover tip-offs compose a useful report self-scout and conduct postgame analysis.

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February 22, 2025

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