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Human Spine Disorders Anatomical Chart

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Product Name
Human Spine Disorders Anatomical Chart
Product Description

One of our most popular charts Human Spine Disorders illustrates how one s posture changes due to different types of spinal disorders and also shows various causes of back painThe central image shows a lateral view of a normal spinal column and its location in the human body the 4 curvature regions of the spine are indicated vertebrae are labeledAlso illustrates the following normal anatomy:detailed labeled cross-section of a typical cervical vertebratypical cervical thoracic and lumbar vertebraestructural features of an intervertebral discfunction of the intervertebral discsDiscusses and illustrates the following diseases and disorders and how they can cause back pain:the effects of osteoporosis on bonesvarious fractures of the vertebrae and sacrumshows and explains hyperkyphosis scolosis and hyperlordosis shows tumors on the spinal column ilium sacrum and spinal cordarthritis of the hipherniated disc Available in the following versions : 20 x 26 heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587794438 20 x 26 heavy paper ISBN 9781587793998 19-3/4 x 26 latex free plastic styrene with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587794650

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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