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Nano and Micromachining (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Nano and Micromachining (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book provides the fundamentals and recent advances in nano and micromachining for modern manufacturing engineering. It begins by providing an outline of nanomachining with emphasis being given to molecular dynamics cutting and chip formation before discussing various advances in field and machining processes including advances in diamond cutting tools conventional processes (microturning microdrilling micromilling etc.) grinding and ultra-precision processes and non-conventional machining processes (laser micromachining EDM micromachining etc.). The coverage concludes with an evaluation of subsurface damages in nano and micromachining and a presentation of applications in industry. As such not only is this book useful to those studying engineering or machining at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level but it also serves as a useful reference guide for academics and engineers involved in these areas and related industries.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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