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Mac s Bar-B-Q Crispy Fried Pork Skins 6 oz Bag

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Product Name
Mac s Bar-B-Q Crispy Fried Pork Skins 6 oz Bag
Product Description

At Mac’s our mission has been the same since 1932: cook the best pork skins and cracklins around. Mac s fried pork skins and cracklins are the perfect go-to snack for when you re hungry and craving something crunchy salted and meaty. For 80 years Mac s pork skins chicharrones and cracklins have been a family and fan favorite for lightly golden crunchy crispy fried pork rinds that use only the highest-quality ingredients. These keto and paleo friendly pork rinds and cracklins are a great alternative to chips and crackers breadcrumbs for meatballs or coating chicken or fish. Sprinkle on salads vegetables stir fry rice pasta popcorn or any other dish where a little extra crunch is desired.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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