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Innovative Spring Earwax Cleaner Tool Set - Spiral Design Stainless Steel Ear Picks, Ear Cleansing Tool Set, Ear Curette Cleaner, Ear Wax Removal Kit with Storage Box

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Innovative Spring Earwax Cleaner Tool Set - Spiral Design Stainless Steel Ear Picks, Ear Cleansing Tool Set, Ear Curette Cleaner, Ear Wax Removal Kit with Storage Box
Product Description

Why choose this Innovative Spring Earwax Cleaner Tool Set? Did you know that by using ordinary ear canal cleaning tools can also cause damage and might be painful in our ears? Though our ears are self-cleaning, having too much wax on it brings discomfort and impair hearing and might cause infections. That is why we are about to offer an innovative cleaner for our ears, the Innovative Spring Ear Wax Cleaner Tool Set. It is about ears and decompression High elastic spring head,fits the ear canal structuer soothes ear canal nerves Portable Storage Box Our ear pick cleaning set comes with a portable PU bag. You can easily take those earwax removal kit. Our ear wax remove kit is also a great gift for your family and your friends.

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Last updated
October 12, 2024

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