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DR SEUSS: What Was I Scared Of?: A Glow-In-the-Dark Encounter for Kids (Hardcover)

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Product Name
DR SEUSS: What Was I Scared Of?: A Glow-In-the-Dark Encounter for Kids (Hardcover)
Product Description

Readers of all ages love Dr. Seuss s spooky and silly story about facing your fears! Featuring over 50 special glow-in-the-dark bonus stickers and a luxe gift-worthy cover that glows in the dark and has a matte soft-touch finish! I was deep within the woods When suddenly I spied them. I saw a pair of pale green pants With nobody inside them! What s a pair of empty green trousers doing by itself in the woods? Or riding a bike through town? The narrator of What Was I Scared Of? does not want to find out. The spooky pants give him the creeps! This Seussian gem from The Sneetches and Other Stories shines on its own as it delivers a timeless message about fear and tolerance. Perfect for slumber parties and perusal by flashlight--it comes with a sheet of spooky glowing stickers bound inside as an added bonus!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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